What is socially engaged practice?
Socially engaged practice - also known as social practice or socially engaged art - is art that aims to empower people and communities through collaboration and participation.
Socially engaged art often explores important social and political issues - issues that matter to people. Socially engaged artists work closely with communities to explore these issues, aiming to inspire change and get people talking.
Participation is key, with the collaborative act of creating the work often equally or more important than the artwork itself.
Socially engaged practice is art that:
Is created with people and communities
Has collaboration and participation at its heart
Explores issues that matter to people
Aims to inspire social change
Socially engaged projects
Here are some examples of socially engaged projects…
Super Slow Way: Homegrown/Homespun
Homegrown/Homespun is a regenerative fashion project that involves local volunteers in turning unused land in Blackburn into fields of flax and woad. The flax is harvested, spun into thread and woven into fabric to create a linen clothing line. Find out more.
LUNG Theatre: Who Cares
Who Cares is a verbatim play adapted from the real-life stories of young carers. LUNG Theatre spent two years working with young carers and support workers in Salford, and the play is accompanied by a campaign calling for better rights for young carers. Find out more.
Pigfoot Theatre: Hot in Here
Using real-life stories, music and the first energy-generating dance floor in live theatre, Hot in Here celebrates action happening around the world for climate justice, made with young climate activists from across the globe. Find out more.